Perfusion of fluorescently labeled dextran into the capillary networks cultivated on-chip, as described in the protocols in this paper.
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2024.
Confocal image of cancer cells displaying 3D spheroid structure in aTME-Chip SKOV3 (left); A2780 (middle); OVCAR3 (right). Cancer cell were stained for nuclei (blue) and f-actin (green).
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2024.
Imaging of fluorescent dye flowing through and filling the newly formed angiogenic sprouts in aTME-Chip confirming the formation of well-connected 3D hollow tubular architecture of the lumen.
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2024.
Confocal image of angiogenic sprouts formed in aTME-Chip. Filamentous actin of the endothelial cells were stained (green) and the nuclei (blue).
Rotating Z-stack confocal image of an L-Chip. Green – CD-31; blue – nucleus.
Bioengg. and Trnsl. Medicine, 2023.
Rotating Z-stack confocal image of a neo-vascularization chip.
Bioengg. and Trnsl. Medicine, 2023.
Rotating Z-stack confocal of a vascularized islet-chip.
3D confocal micrograph of a quarter of the lumen formed of a confluent monolayer of LECs (green) surrounded by multiple layers of LMCs (red) embedded in 3D ECM made using GLP technique.
Timelapse fluorescent video of LECs intracellular calcium content (Fluo-4) while the Lymphangion-Chip lumen was exposed to step shear profile.
Timelapse fluorescent video of LMCs intracellular calcium content (Fluo-4) while the Lymphangion-Chip lumen was exposed to step shear profile.
Bioengineering & Translational Medicine, 2021.
Time series showing platelet adhesion on BOEC-vessel-chips for control and patients SCD1 and SCD2. Each frame is 4 min apart but for presentation, the movie runs at 0.5 frames per second.
Endothelialized Vein-Chip. A confluent lumen formed by HUVECs in the four walls of a Vein-Chip (green – VE-cadherin, blue – nucleus).
Perfusion of blood through Vein-Chip: Five-minute time-lapse video of the perfusion of the human whole blood through plasma-treated Vein-Chip (snap every 15 seconds).
Endothelialization of Vein-Chip: 18-hour time-lapse video of the endothelial lumen formation using HUVECs in a Vein-Chip (snap every 15 minutes).
Blood perfusion through healthy Vein-Chip: 15-minute time lapse video of recalcified whole blood perfused through an endothelialized (HUVECs) Vein-Chip (snap every 1 minute).
Blood perfusion through TNF-alpha treated Vein-Chip: 15-minute time lapse video of recalcified whole blood perfused through TNF-α (5 ng/ml) treated endothelialized (HUVECs) Vein-Chip (snap every 1 minute).
Confocal image of thrombus formed in Vein-Chip: Confocal image of a thrombus formed at the cusp of a TNF-α (5 ng/ml) treated endothelialized Vein-Chip (fibrin (magenta), platelets (green)).
Perfusion of heparin treated blood through Vein-Chip: 15-minute timelapse video of heparin treated recalcified whole blood perfused through TNF-α (5 ng/ml) treated endothelialized (HUVECs) Vein-Chip (snap every 1 minute).
Time lapse video showing platelet extravasation (CD41 stained, red) from vascular compartment into the tumor compartment. The focal plane is within the cancer cell compartment of the OvCa-Chip.
3D rotation of confocal scans of OvCa-Chip at different times showing degradation of vascular junctions relative to Control-Chip (green, VE Cadherin; blue, ovarian cancer cell).
3D rotation of confocal scans of vessels formed inside OvCa-Chip, showing an intact lumen in Control-Chip, endothelial barrier loss in OvCa-Chip and, subsequent restoration of endothelial barriers of OvCa-Chip treated with 10 nM atorvastatin.
Nature Scientific Reports, 2020.
Brightfield video of whole blood flow in the microchannels of the tortuosity activated device.
A 3D reconstruction of confocal micrographs of the vessel on-chip lined with BOECs on all sides of the channel and stained for VE-cadherin and nuclei.
(Left) Timelapse images of endothelial cells dividing and proliferating within vessel-chips kept inside a cell culture incubator. (Right) Quantification of total microchip area covered by the endothelial cells. The vessel-chip becomes confluent with endothelial lumen within 48 hours of cell seeding.
Time series showing platelet adhesion on BOEC-vessel-chips with or without TNF-α treatment. Each frame is 5 minutes apart but for presentation, the movie runs at two frames per second.
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2018.
3D confocal reconstruction of the lung alveolus-on-chip showing epithelial junctions (yellow) and endothelial junctions (green).
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2018.
Platelet coverage (red) upon whole blood perfusion on collagen coated lower microchannel of the lung alveoli-on-a-chip containing no endothelium. Magnification ×10; frame rate: six frames per minute; total runtime: 12 min.
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2018.
Platelet coverage (red) upon whole blood perfusion on lower microchannel of the lung alveolus-chip containing healthy endothelium lined over collagen. Magnification ×10; frame rate: six frames per minute; total runtime: 12 min.
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2018.
Platelet coverage (red) upon whole blood perfusion on lower microchannel of the lung alveolus-on-chip containing endothelium treated with tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). Magnification ×10; frame rate: six frames per minute; total runtime: 12 min.
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2018.
Platelet coverage on a laser-injured mouse blood vessel in vivo. Magnification ×20; frame rate: five frames per second; total runtime: 4 min.
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2018.
Whole blood flow (recalcified citrated blood) in the lung alveolus- chip containing an intact primary human alveolar epithelium overlying an untreated endothelium (not shown). Magnification ×10; frame rate: two frames per minute; total runtime: 20 min.
Time-lapse imaging of fluorescent fibrinogen in whole blood containing 0.75 IU ml-1 heparin anticoagulant and an applied flow rate corresponding to shear rate gradient of 4,375 sec-1mm-1.
Biomedical Microdevices, 2016.
Biomedical Microdevices, 2016.
The operation of an optimal nucleated-cell (NC) separation device.
Video showing Fluorescent WBCs marginated to the sidewalls of a 50 µm wide microchannel (20×magnification). The RBC hematocrit was 20%.