Nav wins top-rated poster. The three gave the following talks:
Luna, D., Pandian, N. K. R., Bui, J., Gadangi, P., Mathur, T., Reyes, C., Teruya, J., & Jain, A.
Anticoagulation monitoring of pediatric patients on life support systems using a microfluidic device that mimics complex vascular architecture.
International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) Annual Scientific and Standardization Committee (SSC)
Dublin, Ireland – 2018
Pandian, N. K. R. & Jain, A. DVT-on-a-chip: A microphysiological model of human venous valve function and thrombosis.
International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) Annual Scientific and Standardization Committee (SSC)
Dublin, Ireland – 2018